Meet Thomas Parrish

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Thomas Parrish. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Thomas below.

Thomas, thank you so much for taking the time to share your lessons learned with us and we’re sure your wisdom will help many. So, one question that comes up often and that we’re hoping you can shed some light on is keeping creativity alive over long stretches – how do you keep your creativity alive?

I’ve always felt the most creativity flow in my life when I’m around people that also strive to be creative. It isn’t always something obvious, but it most of the time is a subconscious thing where I just notice a high in creativity. When I’m feeling a lack of inspiration or something else, it always helps to combine minds of people in my creative circles. This would be my advice to anyone looking to stay as productive but free as possible. Find people with the same goals (who are most of the time better than you at achieving those goals) and you’ll see the improvement.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I’m a songwriter/musician hopefully growing through the music scene in LA. I try to write music that pulls as much emotion as possible through its sound and production. I’ve played shows around the LA area at venues like The Viper Room and Genghis Cohen, and hope to play a lot more in the coming months. It is such a cool experience to get to kind of life the dream of an up and coming musician in Los Angeles, and I hope that dream can come to fruition here in the next few years as I find my footing in the industry.

Kind of a self promo, but I have multiple singles coming out this fall (maybe leading up to an EP ????) so stay tuned on my socials if you want.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Confidence, passion, and persistence have been the three keys to my journey as an artist so far. Confidence has been so important because people will try to tear you down, people will doubt you, and people will not show up for you at times. The most important thing is not letting that hurt your self worth. Passion is right up there as well, it’s what has helped me hone my skills and become the best I can at writing, producing, and performing. Without it music is nothing. Lastly, persistence is important in any field. Stuff won’t work out, things will move slow, and it’ll get hard. Never let that stop your passion. They all kind of tie in together.

The best way to develop these skills is to practice them. Work on your confidence by just believing in yourself (but keep the ego in check haha). Passion is hard to work on and more about finding it. Persistence comes with time; the longer you work on something the more it comes naturally.

What is the number one obstacle or challenge you are currently facing and what are you doing to try to resolve or overcome this challenge?

This sort of ties in with my last question. My biggest obstacle is overcoming self doubt and comparison. As much progress as I’ve made this year it’s still so easy to wonder if this whole music thing will work out. And with that comes a lot of looking at those who have made it and doubting I’ll ever be at that level. I find myself thinking I’m “behind” or moving slowly. My biggest advice to others is to avoid comparison, but sometimes I struggle a lot with it myself.

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Image Credits

Show Pictures by Ryan Gomez

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