Meet Tyler Hughley

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Tyler Hughley. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Tyler below.

Tyler , so excited to have you with us today. So much we can chat about, but one of the questions we are most interested in is how you have managed to keep your creativity alive.

I keep my creativity alive by pulling inspiration from others. I’m a DJ and music producer and so I like to find ways to collaborate with people as often as possible. Especially other DJ”s, I find it quite intriguing how our brains process music differently. Like where we can take the same song and mix it with another song neither one of us was thinking. That’s why I love doing a back to back set with some of my DJ friends because we bounce off of each others creative energy. I also like to watch other DJ”s sets especially if I’m in a creative funk it really inspires me and helps me get out of my own head.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA and I am a child of the entertainment business. My dad is comedian D.L. Hughley, so when I was around seven he got his show ” The Hughley’s”. It’s funny because every Friday there was a live taping so my mom would pick my siblings and I up and we would go on set. I would always be in the DJ booth watching how the crowd would react to the songs being played. I was literally obsessed with the M.C. Blas Lorenzo and DJ Brotha Gimel. In fact when I started taking DJing seriously in my late 20’s DJ Brotha Gimel would let me shadow him at Skinny’s Lounge in North Hollywood, CA every Friday. DJing has really changed my life and opened me up to a world I couldn’t even imagine and I am very proud of the journey I’m on.It’s crazy because I decided I wanted to be a DJ when I was 25 (i’m 33 now) and of course i thought I was starting my journey too late. It really scared me because I believed I was too old to start something new but I’m so glad I got out of my own way and claimed what I wanted and really took it serious. I found a mentor who is one of my best friends to this day and all of these doors have truly opened up for me.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

I think one quality that has really helped me in my DJ journey is adaptability, I have to be able to adjust to different environments and crowds. It doesn’t matter how long or how much I have practiced my set if it’s not what the crowd is feeling I have to be able to read them and switch it up. I already spoke about how collaboration is important to me and it’s really something I really had to get comfortable with. To this day reaching out to people is something I have to work on everyday and it still doesn’t come easy. But I know that I have to do it in this business, most of my gigs have come from people I have collaborated with or word of mouth. I have to credit DJing for getting me out of my shell and giving me a certain confidence I didn’t even know I possessed. To be able to take a mix that you have in your head and play it out loud in front of people and to have those people vibe to it is a certain kind of high I can’t even explain. It truly makes you feel like you can do anything, I wish I was exaggerating. The advice I would give to someone who is on their own journey is literally bet on yourself. I know that can be hard because I struggle with it everyday, but you literally have to find a way to silence your own doubtful voice in your head. You are the only person standing in your own way. Also don’t be afraid to ask for help! Most people have started somewhere and have had to quiet their ego when it comes to understanding something they may need help with.

To close, maybe we can chat about your parents and what they did that was particularly impactful for you?

The most impactful thing my parents have done for me is allow me to try and fail. They have never broken my spirit nor have they told me not to try something. They truly believe in me and my siblings. Now do they give their input? Of course! They wouldn’t be parents if they didn’t, but they also allow me to find my way and to be my own person. I love sharing and celebrating my wins with them. My parents always tell me how proud they are of me even if I believe what I just accomplished wasn’t a big deal and for that I am grateful.

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Image Credits

Pablo Cabrera

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