Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Nicole Prom. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Nicole , we can’t begin to explain how much we appreciate you sharing about your PPD experience, but we can say that so many in our community are suffering from or have suffered from postpartum issues including postpartum depression and so you sharing your story and how you overcame it might help someone who is going through it right now or in the future. What can you share with us about how you overcame PPD? For readers, please note this is not medical advice, we are not doctors, you should always consult professionals for advice and that this is merely one person sharing their story and experience.
I developed postpartum depression after having my twins, which were my second pregnancy. I was depressed as a teenager and young adult but hadn’t been for years since then. I didn’t develop postpartum depression after my first child but with my twins everything was different.
At first, I thought it was just the stress of having two babies to care for at once plus a 2 year old. It wasn’t until my twins were 6 months old that I admitted to myself and my husband that I needed help because I was engaging in self-harm and had recurrent thoughts of suicide.
I started weekly therapy which helped a lot. Six months after starting therapy I started seeing a psychiatrist as well and taking an anti-depressant. The therapy and anti-depressant combined were HUGE in my overcoming PPD.
Another thing that really helped was I started taking time for myself instead of always having everything be just about the kids. Up until then, as a stay at home mom, my whole world was my children once I had left my career to stay home with them, and I didn’t know myself at all anymore.
It started out as having Thursday evenings off because I had therapy then morphed into Thursday evenings plus Sunday afternoons off. Just having these two breaks throughout the week away from all of the mom responsibilities helped me immensely, and continues to until this day. I’m no longer in weekly therapy but I do still have Thursday evenings off and most of Sunday to myself. I’ve found it’s incredibly important to have that time to regroup, especially as an introvert who recharges by being alone.
I’ve written a blog post about my experience with postpartum depression which explains my journey in more detail:
Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
Through my blog, I empower moms through personal experiences, practical tips, and helpful printables to navigate parenting, prioritize self-care, and find joy in the journey.
What sets my blog apart is I truly tell it The Way it Really Is without a fake filter, pretending everything is perfect. I feel being authentic with others is so important and something that many are afraid to do.
I’ve come a long way in the past few years of blogging. I’ve always loved writing and have had no problem coming up with content ideas and writing them in a conversational and helpful way. However, getting people to my blog had been a struggle for some time. Last year I implemented some changes in my business which have significantly helped me reach and help more people. I’m always soaking up as much knowledge as I can regarding blogging, helping others, creating printables, and so much more. I truly am a lifelong learner.
I recently launched my printables shop where I have everything from journals to planners to coloring books and more available for purchase and immediate download. The printables can be used on digital devices such as an iPad using the GoodNotes, Notability, iBooks, or other annotating apps. They also can be printed and kept together in a binder or simply with a paper clip. All printables are 30% off right now for my launch sale!!
Making printables is something I really enjoy as I’m able to be creative and help others become more organized! You can find my printables shop at:
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
The willingness to learn is the most essential skill for anyone hoping to accomplish anything great in life. My background is as a school psychologist and though I have a couple graduate degrees, I don’t have any business or web development experience. Everything I’m doing with my blog I’ve learned on my own in the past few years. Had I not been willing to continually learn, I wouldn’t have a business at all.
The ability to persevere through the tough times has helped me get through so much within my life and my business. There were many times I just wanted to give up. One way or another when things get tough I’m able to step back and look at things a different way so that I’m able to keep going. These days this often includes talking with my husband and getting emotional support from him as well as simply knowing this is something I really want for myself and my family and I can do it, I just need to work at it.
Setting and maintaining boundaries is crucial in both personal and professional life. Whether it involves managing time between work and family or surrounding oneself with positive individuals, boundaries play a vital role. Communicating these boundaries clearly, without causing unnecessary discomfort, and adhering to them consistently is very important for you and for others. It’s not about completely cutting off negative people, but rather being mindful of how one feels when their boundaries are challenged, particularly in the presence of certain individuals or in specific circumstances.
How can folks who want to work with you connect?
I would love to collaborate with other bloggers, especially mom bloggers, to help us all reach more people! I’m interested in doing freebie swaps, being part of virtual summits, being a podcast guest, writing guest blog posts, and more! If you’d like to collaborate with me, email me at
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