Beating Burnout

Often the key to having massive impact is the ability to keep going when others would have burned out. Below, you’ll find some brilliant entrepreneurs and creatives sharing how they’ve overcome or avoided burnout.

Lindsey Capron

I feel like overcoming burnout is a process especially when you’ve dealt with it for so long. In some cases, I feel like I’m still overcoming burnout now. This looks like being intentional about unlearning the methods and ideologies that gave me burnout to begin with. This means putting a conscious effort in steering away from “hustle culture” which is the main culprit in burnout. Taking breaks, vacations and setting boundaries definitely help me avoid burnout. Read more>>

Lily Mathews

It took a lot for me to come to a place where I had to tell myself “you have been doing and are doing enough ” Ever since I was a little girl I have always been an overachiever, a competitive go-geter and have always pushed the limits on what I can do. That carried onto my personal life as I grew up and then my parenting. I will say that this mentality and strenght were vital when it came to achieving the goals my husband and I had when we started our family and 1st business. Read more>>

César Fión Góngora

There’s no clear-cut way of going about it, or a magical solution that makes it go away, but along the way, I’ve tried to make it a little easier on myself as much as I can. My job as a Production Sound Mixer in the film industry requires me to be on my feet for 12 hours a day while carrying about 20 pounds of equipment strapped to my chest. On top of that, I have to listen to every single sound on set, all the time. That can be a lot, especially during big multi-day productions. Thankfully, I’ve learned a thing or two in the 5 years I’ve been doing this. Read more>>

Craig Mizell

I’m currently in the process of recovering from burnout. I recorded two full albums with 10 different artists as part of The Five for Five Live Experience. While my intentions were to uplift my community, I underestimated how others’ agendas could affect me. I allowed certain individuals to take advantage of the goodwill I extended, taking on the financial and emotional burden of completing these projects. It was disheartening when I realized that some of these artists didn’t share the same dedication or passion. Read more>>

Donnielle James

When I worked in residential environments, I was exposed to trauma on a daily basis.. In these settings, we would have some trainings on self=care, and a big thing was finding some sort of hobby unrelated to work. For me, that has also been connected with movement and exercise. (I also follow fashion and like to knit). I have also left a few workplaces due to burnout, and after some twists and turns, that led me to change professions from mental health to fitness, and was part of my transition to where I am now. Recognizing the differences between compassion fatigue and burnout, daily journaling, meditation, and some form of exercise are some of my favorite tools.  Read more>>

Nichole Lang

This is a constant focus of mine. As the household breadwinner and a true Capricorn, constant work is not only a necessity of mine, but is also when I feel most accomplished and fulfilled, so the desire to continuously take on additional opportunities is always present.
I’ve really had to take a step back (quite a few times) and assess what is MOST important and brings me the most happiness in life, and make decisions based on that…what that has meant for me is, sticking to MY boundaries for MYSELF. Read more>>

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