Finding Your Why

Not knowing why you are going wherever it is that you are going sounds silly, but so often folks live life without thinking about their purpose. We believe that thinking about your purpose and trying to identify what it might be is one of the most impactful things you can do to level up your life, career, and general level of happiness and fulfillment. Having a sense of what your why is will help you become a better decision maker which inevitably will improve your life. Below, you’ll find some interesting discussions, stories and perspectives around find your purpose.


I found my purpose by interviewing people and getting to know them. Eventually, I founded the “Underground” series, which interviews bands and people in the L.A. punk scene to bring awareness to and combat the heavy drug issue that goes on at these shows. Read more>>

Lauren Rao

I have always been a natural leader from being a captain on my sports teams or leading events in college I quickly found my role. After College It took me a while to discover how to translate my strengths. At 23 I had the opportunity to run a new wedding venue. Though I had little experience I works 80 plus hour weeks to perfect my craft.  Read more>>

Kate Downey

For a long time, I didn’t really know what my purpose was. I was working in live theater, at operas, off-broadway theaters, tiny living room productions, and I was really just trying to survive, have fun, and get the next gig. When I started working for a startup that did unusual museum tours, I started to understand what really lit a fire under me. Read more>>

Jennifer Smith

I do everything with purpose. Regardless whether it’s the small things or the big things in life. Make everything you do the best that you’re capable of doing and do them all with the best intentions behind them. Enjoy the present moment. Be present. You will always thrive in how you feel if you can learn to stay in the moment that’s happening now. Read more>>

Yolanda Villegas

If someone told me I’d find my purpose at this stage in my career, I would have looked at them sideways but that’s exactly what happened when I was laid off after a successful career in the corporate environment. My entire career has been working within global environments doing marketing communications, brand strategy, and advertising.  Read more>>

Mallory Delabar

I wasn’t born an entrepreneur. I didn’t have lemonade stands as a kid or see myself starting a business. My purpose became clear to me when I became a mother. I have four beautiful children, three on earth and one in heaven. Raising them to be good humans, strong and kind, is the most important thing I can do. Read more>>

Kelsey Webb

I’ve known my purpose from early on. As early as I can remember, I’ve been the go-to person for connecting people, ideas, or the perfect item. It’s almost like having a superpower; someone mentions a need, and boom, the ideal solution lands in my mind shortly after. It’s pure magic! Read more>>

Yamila Rollan Escalona

Finding purpose can be a deeply personal journey. For me, it stemmed from a very personal experience – the loss of my only sister to a drug overdose. That tragedy sparked a fire within me to make a difference, to prevent similar losses and empower others struggling with addiction. Read more>>

Katelyn Minton

Right out of high school, I begun working for Chick Fil A. I didn’t go the college route, school was not a priority for me. When I got the job at Chick Fil A, shortly after, I was kicked out of my dad’s house. I ended up living on my sister and brother in law’s couch for a little over a year… I also knew things got serious quick and I didn’t have any option but to figure out how to make more money.  Read more>>

Victoria Byler

Finding my purpose wasn’t a single ‘aha’ moment, but rather a culmination of life experiences and self-reflection. Throughout my life, a common thread has emerged: a passion for helping others. Witnessing the impact positive change can have on someone’s life has always been incredibly fulfilling. Read more>>

Tania Hryciuk

Honestly I believe our purpose changes in life as we change and grow. Each time I’ve found my purpose, was due to a life event that changed who I was at the time. Read more>>

Leanna Long

I specifically remember having a conversation with my old basketball coach who character I admire. I had just transferred back home after my first semester of college and I was in a funk of trying to decide if i wanted to continue basketball or get in my photography/styling bag. Read more>>

Tania Velasco

I am a single mother of now two young men (19, 22). Setting a good example for them has always been my number one priority. I always challenged myself to teach them that the sky is the limit! They are my rock and keep me moving forward. Read more>>

Kaino Matheus

By following my passion and invest more in what I am talented in and knowing where my strength lies. When i was a child ,I would rather explore many of my creatives and learning from other people, instead of having to tell my future what I would become. Read more>>

Sharnice Sherrod

After years of wearing a mask and living in survival mode, the process began with redefining my identity. Before I could reconcile WHAT I was born and called to do, I had to understand WHO I was born to be. I believe that it is important for everyone, especially as believers (Christians), to have a solid foundation of our identity before pursing a purpose of assignment. Read more>>

Valerie Wilson

My purpose is to share the healing benefits of food. I came into that purpose when I was young and saw how my body reacted to food. I was in my early 20’s when I discovered eating organic, whole foods from mother nature, not tampered with and how following a macrobiotic lifestyle was what I had been searching for since I was in my teens. Read more>>

Michelle Bomberger

In law school, I was one of the founding members of the Small Business Opportunity Clinic, the first corporate transactional clinic in a US law school. The SBOC’s purpose was to provide students with hands-on corporate experience and to provide small businesses and non-profits access to affordable legal.  Read more>>

Martin Gonzalez

As I get older I continue to question what is the source of my happiness and always come to the same conclusion – to make music. It sounds very simple, but is way more ‘complex’ that what it seems. As a kid you have dreams and as an adult is your responsibility to make them happen regardless of whatever obstacles you have in your way. Read more>>

Lauren Gunn

Ten years ago I was working on music row as a videographer and editor for the biggest indie record label in Nashville. I was interacting with people whose names are known around the world and it was the most exciting position I had ever been in.  Read more>>

Brittany Davis

I found my purpose, my calling when I wasn’t intentionally looking for it. It didn’t stay the same, it went through a transformative process. Started off dancing in church & different organizations since the age of 4. While still dancing, also fell in love with sketching portraits. In dancing, during performances, we always wore makeup & I loved the feeling & confidence makeup gave me so I asked my mom to teach me. Read more>>

Dean and Laura Larson

We have both been life-long animal lovers. We’ve marveled at how many amazing creatures are in the world. But over time, our awareness grew regarding how many animal species (and plants) were going extinct. Read more>>

Ann Sensing

I feel like I am always on the journey of “finding” my purpose. I don’t really believe purpose is found at all, though. It feels more like it’s uncovered in time. Through the development of deep listening skills, honing intuition, creating internal space, and believing in and freeing my voice, I continue paving a path forward that aligns with what matters most to me. Read more>>

Brooke Alexander

It is my greatest purpose in life to support others as they access truth from the inside out, recognizing that this body-based wisdom allows us to truly be present and alive in every heartbeat, fully inhabiting our bodies instead of merely existing in them. Read more>>

Tiffany Davis

My purpose was revealed to me. Read more>>

Séamus Osiris

I woke up when I was a young child and remembered the purpose I came to Earth for at that time. I have lived it ever since. Read more>>

Penny Newberry

I found my purpose because of K-POP. During the pandemic, I like so many people, experienced extreme loneliness and depression because of social distancing. And yet, in spite of these trying times, I found my one true love…K-POP. I’ll never forget how I discovered K-POP. Read more>>

Candace Veach

There is only one source, one place within us that informs our purpose, it is what I call the authentic Self. I sensed in my early 20’s that the hardships and abuses I’d faced through childhood (death of my mother at 3, foster care, adults with mental health issues) had been like muddy hand prints on a bubble that held my true self.  Read more>>

Carline Smothers

In 2010 I was sitting in my office one day during my lunch break I started thinking of places that I could go to in the mall that would represent my Haitian culture. I couldn’t think of any stores. That’s when I started the Bèl Fanm brand. Transitioning from teaching after having my third child and began my author journey in 2015 after realizing I could not find many books my Haitian American children could relate to. Read more>>

Spenser Reich, ACE

There are a couple key moments that stand out to me. One was when I was picking what I wanted to major in when I was accepted to university. I was deciding not only what interested me, but what I thought would keep on interesting me for many years to come. It was between a few options, but eventually, I narrowed it down to Film because storytelling is something I was passionate about and there are always important stories to tell. Read more>>

Amanda Ho

I found my purpose through following my passions. The universe has many ways in which it will communicate with you, and one of those ways is through Passion. If a person asks him or herself what it is that excites them, they will know what it is if they are not in denial, because the innermost part of who you are will always be in touch with you, but sometimes the person chooses to not be in touch with it. Read more>>


I found my purpose once I gave my life back to Christ almost 20 years ago. Before then, I was a secular recording artist who wrote, recorded and promoted rap music since the age of 16, that glorified sex, drugs, murder and rebellion. Now I’m a gospel rapper who God uses to share my faith, my testimony and transformation through my music, as a form of ministry and a purpose to glorify Him. Read more>>

Jessica Patay

I believe that purpose can be found where burdens and passions collide. I am a living breathing example of just that! I have always been passionate about the power of connection and community; and I have a heart that aches for families grappling with disabilities and medical complexities everywhere. Read more>>

Darryl DeShawn

Today marks another year of growth, resilience, and self-discovery. As I reflect on the past 34 years, I see a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, but most importantly, with moments of triumph and self-love. I’ve embraced change, welcomed new beginnings, and bid farewell to what no longer serves me. Through it all, I’ve learned that life is a precious gift, meant to be cherished and lived to the fullest. Read more>>

Jim Ellsberry

Purpose has a strong connection to passion. I’ve asked many people over the years to tell me or describe what they are passionate about. I’ve been surprised at how many seem to draw a blank. For me, the passions in life are those things that have always excited me, often for no explanable reason – they just do. Read more>>

Alicia Hurtt

Finding purpose through pain is a journey many can relate to. For me, it was overcoming infertility that led me to discover my calling. I walked through the darkness, lived the struggles, and made a vow to myself that if I could alleviate even a fraction of another woman’s burden, I would do so. My purpose became clear: to offer support, understanding, and companionship to those who feel alone in their fertility battles. Read more>>

Samantha Mittman Besnoff

From my earliest years of watching my father run and manage his own life insurance business, I knew that I wanted to be in business and help others. This was ignited during my senior year of high school when I enrolled in an accounting class that was taught by Mr. Carl Janetka. His mentorship and guidance left a lasting mark.  Read more>>

Jacob Daniels

It took a lot of time and trying things! I didn’t find my “purpose” until I was in my 30’s. And I hesitate to call it a purpose because “telling stories” is such a common experience that everyone can do. I’ve just made it my passion to tell stories in the best way I can through a medium I love, with people I adore. Read more>>

Delphine Lippens

I have not in the way you might think. A few months before my 50th birthday, I discovered Human Design and it’s been a journey of self-discovery with HD confirming that I am aligned whenever I trust my gut, even if it makes no sense to the people around me, or to myself sometimes. I have learned to trust my instinct, and the explanation/reason will come later.  Read more>>

Paul Hollingsworth

I was 16 when I discovered filmmaking. As a young kid from the suburbs of Canada I had a lot of time to craft films for high school projects. My friends all help out with productions. Some loved acting, some on the technical side. It was rewarding to see our endeavors shared on the screen in class. Read more>>

Ashley Cascade Paggi

I used to feel overwhelmed on my creative journey because there were so many skills I wanted to learn and goals that I wanted to achieve. I would skip from project to project, task to task not knowing what to prioritize in order to build my creative business and find success. But then I stopped for a moment to think about what my main objective for my creativity and ultimately, my life truly are. Why am I reaching? Why do I do what I do? Read more>>

Jean Blackwell Font

As a young person, I wanted to be an “artist” but didn’t really know what that meant. When I graduated high school summa cum laude, I should have gone to college to pursue a degree in the arts. However, I was a 17 year old unaccompanied minor without a clear direction of how to get to college; all I could do was get a job or three and try to support myself. Read more>>

Nika Hollingsworth

I’m am an entrepreneur and a creative. I find purpose in my passions. I’m a community-driven, multi-disciplined creative which is a fancy way of saying I do many things such as write, design, and create (art, space and opportunity). It could seem like I’m scattered and just doing a bunch of random things that do not necessarily fit together.  Read more>>

Damai Rinjani

I found my sense of direction through a process of self-reflection and self-exploration, which eventually manifested into an art form. Channeling what I have experienced and felt into artistic expressions is, to me, a bonus that I can enjoy. This method serves as an additional way to reassess the direction I aim to pursue.  Read more>>

Wendy Costa

I always loved art, in all it’s forms, since I was a child. I was involved in every type of craft, art, performance, music, craft fair, business idea, back yard entertainment as far back as I can remember. I was looking for magic. That path was set early, but it didn’t give me my purpose. Purpose is a different thing. Read more>>

Maximilian Schulze

I think the whole question of “what is my purpose” and finding “this purpose” for oneself is something that’s constantly pushed onto young people by our society today. It comes from everywhere: the content on Instagram, friends or the constant questions from grandparents about what you’re going to do after graduation, whether you’ll go to university, or if you have a plan.  Read more>>

Peggy Sivert

I was identified as an artist at a young age, supported by both my teachers and parents. Recognized more for my conceptual explorations than traditional art skills, I spent my childhood creating and building a world of my own authentic and autonomous ideas. This naturally led to art school, art teaching and art gallery / nonprofit direction.  Read more>>

Savannah Parr

My purpose is to help women feel amazing at baseline. I fell in love with nutrition when I started dealing with difficult. embarrassing, and uncomfortable health symptoms at about 18-19 years old. I struggled with unexplained weight gain, painful bloating, digestive issues, acne, hair thinning, and chronic fatigue. Read more>>

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