How did you overcome divorce?

Some marriages last a year and others last decades – but from what we’ve seen, divorces are always difficult. It’s often disruptive emotionally, socially, financially and the emotional wounds can leave us less ready to take on challenges right when we need that strength the most. In an effort to help those going through divorce or separation, we have put together stories from others who have gone through divorce.

Dr. Elayne Brunson

During the pandemic many people across the world went through financial, mental, and emotional stress. It was during the pandemic that I realized more than ever that my 15yr marriage had reached the point of no return. Having been married since I was 24yr old I was filled with many emotions and needed to make many decisions about my future. My intitail thoughts were how I would excape the situation with minimal loss. Read more>>

Theresa Newhard

It was nearly five years ago that I sat on the couch in my former home and realized my marriage was over. I was terrified. It took me a very long time to gather the courage to ask my ex-husband for a separation and, eventually, a divorce. Meanwhile, as I stayed, a part of me steadily died inside. Read more>>

Rhonda Hansome

I overcame divorce with great difficulty. We were intelligent, articulate Brooklyn teenagers. He was from Coney Island, I was Bed-Stuy born. We shared an ideology and outrage over American society’s systemic injustice. Romance flamed by feelings and hormones at an intensity only high school sweethearts experience led to marriage, as soon as I was of legal age. Our journey into adulthood began. Read more>>

Heather Gill

When life isn’t aligned and your spouse has decided they want out of the marriage, no amount of energy, love, or attention can change the situation. This is where I found myself in 2023. I was in a marriage that simply couldn’t be revived. Not only that, as I had time in our relationship, I found I had given of myself to a fault and had abandoned my own soul. Read more>>


I’ve been divorced twice. For a long time, I let my divorces define me. I didn’t trust myself anymore. I thought divorce meant the best part of my life had already passed me by, so I moved through life like that was true. I lived through the rearview mirror, constantly afraid of making the same mistakes again. Read more>>

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