Boosting Productivity Through Self-Care

When you have a never-ending to-do list it can feel irresponsible to engage in self-care, but in our many conversations with some of the most productive business owners and creatives we’ve found that self-care is one of the most effective ways to boost productivity.

Aaron English

Self-care is now vital in my daily routine – and I have my girlfriend, Beth Inglish, to thank for that. Her commitment to well-being and maintaining balance in her life constantly inspires me. Her influence – treating self-care as non-negotiable – has rubbed off, and now my work week is filled with pauses for yoga, tai chi, swimming, hiking, kayaking, a long bath, reading, meditation. Read more>>

Yvonne Chang

To be honest, self-care is a relatively newer concept for me. For a lot of my life, I was always so driven by what I needed to do , or what I should do, over what I wanted to do and when I finally started to make space for taking care of me and honoring what my body needed, it made a huge difference in my ability to show up the way I actually wanted to in spaces that I want to be in. Read more>>

Demi Villarreal

I try to be very intentional about how I schedule “me time” into my routine. My job demands constant interaction with others, and I recognize that sometimes I just need to recharge my social battery. I like to set aside days to relax without any responsibilities. I love my lazy days filled with naps, my favorite food, TV shows, and my cats! Read more>>

Tashya Renee

What I do for selfcare is pretty simple and what works for me. A few things that I like to do is take therapeutic bubble baths as this relaxes my physical body and mind releasing any tension or stress from the day. Next listening to music such as gospel or jazz tunes really keep my spirit lifted whether I am going through a rough time or not; music that ministers to my soul is very soothing and serene while the lyrics rest upon my heart and mind. Read more>>

Imani Murray

Taking care of myself is a top priority, so I make sure to prioritize self-care on a weekly basis. For me that looks like a variety of activities including solo dates, refreshing walks outdoors – which I like to call “hot girl walks” – and more. However, my absolute favorite self-care activity is treating myself to flowers every Friday, which inspired a social media series on my TikTok and Instagram titled “Fridays are for Flowers.” Read more>>

Carly Stone

For self-care I do a variety of things, one being just going down to the beach, sitting on the sand and/or going in the ocean. Getting in nature and grounding is a wonderful way to reconnect to yourself and recalibrate. I love going on walks/hikes, dancing, playing music, reading, cooking, drawing, meditating and journaling.  Read more>>

layla sade

Self-care is all about looking after yourself, both mentally and physically. It involves doing things that make you feel good and help you stay healthy. Here are some of my great self-care ideas: Taking Care of Your Body 1. Stay Active: Do things like walking, running, yoga, or any exercise you enjoy. 2. Eat Well: Try to eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. Read more>>

Jonathan Heit

If you take this supplement and wave this wand in front of your face for 30 minutes and buy this 120 dollar cream and let us drain you of your blood and stand on this vibrating plate and buy this 40 dollar smoothie we swear to GOD and on our LIVES you will feel and look like a hotter younger version of your decrepit current self.  Read more>>

Xtina Geri Jogoleff

I love this question! Self-care is far more than manicures/pedicures, facials, massages, coffee dates, or even working out. While, I think these are all important, especially as someone who once had grade 4 cystic acne. Read more>>

Carmel Mercado

What I do for self care depends on the week. I would say the one constant in all of this is that I make time at least once a week to check-in with myself. I have a reminder placed in my calendar weekly to block off a 10-15 minute period of time to do this self check-in. Read more>>

Ally Pawlowski

I have been meditating for about a year and a half now. It is a self care tool that I have always looked away from in the past because of the immense focus it takes to get past the thoughts that roll in. I started using the Open app (highly recommended) and it has changed my life for the better. Meditating isn’t easy, but that’s why I need it. Read more>>

James Grant

In October 2021, I set the audacious goal of competing in a strongman competition within 12 months, despite having no prior experience in the sport. I knew this would require a complete transformation of my physique and the development of entirely new skills. Over the next year, I put on 50 lbs of muscle, taught myself the various lifts and events, and pushed my body and mind to new limits.  Read more>>

Thyme Lewis

Self care is the most important part of my day and it starts with proper nourishment and deep REM sleep. If my mind and body are healthy and clear, I am extremely effective in everything I do. My days start early with juicing organic celery followed by a protein smoothie 3-4 hours later. I also utilize a heated eyepad when meditating to optimize eye function and squelch redness.  Read more>>

JaiNishia Njie Savage

My self-care routine is pretty expensive and I am into all things so reading books spa days trying new new restaurants buying a new T-shirt taking trips. It’s all inclusive like it doesn’t really matter what it is if I feel good doing it I’m going to market as self-care and explore it. Read more>>

Courtney Bowden

Self-care has been a game-changer for me, especially in the past few years. I’ve redefined my relationship with work, realizing that constantly hustling isn’t the key to success or happiness. This mindset shift has allowed me to give myself permission to rest, seeing rest not as a luxury but as a necessity. Read more>>

Kayla Jones

My self-care varies but two things I keep in a regular rotation is my yoga practice and my chiropractic care. Both have transformed my health and overall well-being for years. My yoga practice is part of why I am here telling my story as a trauma informed teacher/entrepreneur. Read more>>

Tria Decker

Self-care has been a big theme for me over the past couple of years. I believe it is foundational for overall health and wellbeing, and really being able to thrive. A lot of my work has been focused on supporting others in developing the self-care practices that work for them. For myself, it’s important that I get outside in nature and move my body daily. Read more>>

Satoko Okuno

For self-care, I try to walk, explore the city, and breathe in the fresh air to refresh myself. Growing up in Tokyo, Japan, where walking and using public transportation is a daily norm, I developed a natural habit of exploring the city on foot. However, since moving to Los Angeles a few years ago, I’ve noticed that I walk less due to the car-centric lifestyle.  Read more>>

Charlene Hsu-Rodriguez

For self-care, I workout to make sure my body is strong and my mind can decompress. I also enjoy getting massages to relieve any tension from tattooing. I’ve noticed that both help while I am tattooing, particularly with my back, neck, and hands. Read more>>

Jeris Johnson

I travel, find a new restaurant (I’m a major foodie), pickup some snacks and watch some of my favorite throwback shows/movies, or a good mani/pedi day are some of the main things I do for self-care. It has had a major effect impact because it helps me disconnect from being on a schedule and all the hustle and bustle throughout the workdays. Read more>>

Jonathan Wang

I feel like most of the self-care in my life comes from being active and staying conditioned. I’m a big believer in “health is wealth”, and, although I make a lot of concessions to that mantra for food, I try to keep myself as fit and able as possible.  Read more>>

Easton Max Edwin

Self-care is crucial to maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and truthfully keeping ourselves sane in sometimes very stressful environments. The greatest part about “self-care” is that it is so unique to each person. For me, it is living a healthy and active lifestyle. Our bodies and minds are synced, so it is important to remember that they can affect each other.  Read more>>

Tamera Hollis

Taking breaks plays a big part in my self-care. Being an entrepreneur means wearing so many hats & can become overwhelming at times. So one thing I make sure to do is take breaks even if it’s just to sleep in a little later than normal. Read more>>

Mengxi Yang

Learn to say no. As a chronicle people-pleaser, it is a big learning process to set boundaries and respect my own needs. I’m always reading and learning about the psychology of compassion and practice mindfulness, which is not taught to me in my early education. Read more>>

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