Stories & Lessons for Finding Your Purpose

Below you’ll find the stories and lessons of some of the best and brightest entrepreneurs, artists and creatives in the community and how they found their purpose.

Maci Madden

This is honestly one of my favorite questions. Finding your purpose, I think is something that we all strive to do. Understanding why we were put on this earth and what we were put here to do, is a lingering thought. Your purpose may not alway be the thing you “love” to do. It can most times be the one thing you are constantly running from. However, you always seem to find yourself back in the same place staring at the very thing you ran from. Read more>>

Bisola Founder

It began with being a stay-at-home mom for 3 years and feeling an intense desire to return to work after experiencing a deep sense of unfulfillment. I had taken time off from the corporate world to care for my kids and run a small fashion business from home. In doing so, I had completely lost myself to motherhood, and it felt like the world had forgotten everything I had accomplished before becoming a wife and mother. Before this, I had devoted myself to working in tech companies, leading projects in startup environments and as a consultant for Fortune 500 companies like Oracle. Read more>>

Stephanie Sterling

I always knew that there was something different about me. All the way back to middle school, I was always different from my peers. I chose to set myself a part by doing what I felt was right for me. I was never a part of groups or cliques. Somehow I knew at a young age that my path would be different. Read more>>

Desiree’ Dixon

Finding purpose is more of a gradual unfolding journey. It is discovered through experiences, reflections, and challenges that shape our inner selves. Once I learned to quiet the world and embrace the stillness I found my true purpose. I also discovered the more you surrender to what is, and what will be, and let go of expectations, the clearer the path becomes. Read more>>

Khatija Dadabhoy

I’ve honestly found my purpose through my own pain and suffering. From a young age I wanted to help others because I experienced so much hurt and loneliness. I felt I understood their suffering, and maybe subconsciously I believed helping others would be a way to help myself. Through my life, I’ve experienced a great deal of unusually painful and difficult circumstances, and I’ve come to really understand that each of these experiences opened me more to my purpose. It has all solidified that I am here to alchemize pain into love and grace, and assist others in doing the same. I am becoming a master of that realm through so many experiences, and it’s the gift I can give others. Read more>>

Helene Greenberg

In 2014 I was working towards getting my Masters degree in Education – School Counseling. I always knew I loved to counsel people and felt this would be a great path for me. I love children and in my almost mid 40’s I was still searching for my purpose. Read more>>

Shane Williams

Finding my purpose wasn’t a sudden epiphany but rather a gradual unfolding, shaped by a blend of experiences, introspection, and moments of trial and error. I once believed that purpose was a single, clear mission you either had or didn’t. Over time, I realized it’s more about aligning with what brings joy, growth, and a sense of contribution to the world. Read more>>

Andrew Bell

I believe that throughout your whole life you find different purposes and grow different feelings, of knowing you’re doing what you were meant to do with your life. Sometimes, one purpose sticks with you and you follow that feeling for the rest of your life. That moment where you fall in love with a passion, and you can’t see yourself doing anything else. I found my purpose when I moved to the city and I picked up my first camera and started photography. It felt so right, roaming the streets of denver all night, and staying out till the early hours of the morning. Read more>>

Kim Wise

Over my 18 years of hands-on teaching, mentoring, and collaborating with parents and educators, I’ve developed a deep passion for empowering everyone involved in the educational journey. I recognized that both students seeking direction and institutions aiming for improvement often need support. Read more>>

Elaine Elledge

When I first graduated with my BFA in printmaking I felt very lost. I found it difficult to create art outside the education structure. If I didn’t make something, to some extent, no one would know or care. It wasn’t until after my first son was born that I felt a new sense of direction. I needed to create in a way I didn’t need it before. It was the beginning of finding my artistic voice and learning to create out of what was inside of me instead of from a prompt. Because of my limited time and energy (with the new baby) I was forced to learn how to blend daily life and observation into creative acts. These creative acts built up and gave clarity in a way I would have never expected. Read more>>

Dylan Tolbert

I found my purpose when choose to pursue what makes me happy, music. It was a leap of faith, and it wasn’t easy or comfortable. But sometimes you have to put yourself in an uncomfortable position to become comfortable. Being able to express myself while connecting with others is when I found my purpose. Read more>>

Diego Rodrigues

As a Commercial and corporate filmmaker, I perform a range of tasks aimed at creating compelling video content for commercial purposes in the realm of advertising, marketing, and branding. Exceling at capturing the energy and atmosphere of the event while ensuring that important moments are documented for promotional or archival purposes has been extremely rewarding and fulfilling. Read more>>

Artesha “tea With Teash” F

I found my purpose when I was a little Girl. I knew I was an Empath that loved to talk with a really big personality when I was much smaller. I was really sensitive, compassionate and wanted to help people. On the flip side, I wanted to be a singer and a Host, so my Mother bought me a toy microphone with a stand and you could turn it on to hear the sound. I would prop Teddy Bears and Baby Dolls on my bed, and would perform for them. Read more>>

Stan Popovich

My name is Stan Popovich, and I am a Penn State graduate who struggled with anxiety for 20+ years. There were many times in my life I felt like giving up. During these difficult times, my anxieties and fears were so powerful that I had trouble getting through each week. The most difficult thing I faced when struggling with my mental health was finding the answers that would take away my anxieties and fears in a timely manner. Read more>>

Michael Hershey

Growing up I had poor food habits. I was overweight, unhappy and unhealthy. I knew I needed to make changes for myself. I had a 60 lb weight loss journey and I fell in love with nutrition and health. Since then I’ve become a Registered Dietitian, started my own business and now I help people with something I once struggled so much with! Read more>>

Allie Horner

When I founded Brand Bloom, my purpose was to do meaningful work that lights me up while helping others and making a positive impact. Since then, my goals have continued to evolve and expand alongside my business, but this original purpose has stayed at the core, guiding the decisions I’ve made along the way. Read more>>

Yomaira Garcia

Since I was very young, I always felt that there was something greater than just existing as a person in society. This quest for purpose in life and spirituality became my constant companion. As I grew older, I found myself struggling with various religions and beliefs, trying to discover what fit with me. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t easy! Read more>>

Kimberly Sayers

I’ve always had a deep passion for fitness, stemming from my childhood when I played every sport I could get my hands on. I’ve always loved the thrill of competition and the camaraderie of being part of a team. As I grew older, I pursued my academic interests, earning a BS in History and African studies, as well as a Master’s in Urban Education and Public Policy. Along the way, I opened and managed multiple restaurants, where I took pride in training new team members and being part of the travel training team. Read more>>

Yvette Salva

Finding my purpose was deeply tied to my journey through addiction recovery. I battled three major addictions—drugs, food, and alcohol—that took me to the lowest points in my life. I experienced homelessness, became a stripper, and reached what felt like the absolute depths of despair. But I now see that rock bottom as the solid foundation upon which I built my life. Read more>>

Josalyn Williams

I always felt unattractive growing up. I felt certain features could improve more to make me feel more pretty and more like a girl rather than a tomboy so I became fascinated anything beauty. I started playing around more with hair and makeup on anyone that would allow me to do it on them. Watching music videos on MTV using the current fashion and makeup as my inspiration. When others would see my work, more would ask me to do it for them. Read more>>

Rena Patel

Let this be a warning to everyone who chooses to listen to everyone else before listening to themselves. It doesn’t work. My purpose seemed to have found me before I’d found myself and spent the better portion of my (admittedly still relatively young life) ignoring myself to follow whatever path other people wanted me to be on. I knew I wanted to tell stories when I was really young. I have a distinct memory of writing, illustrating, and binding (with staples) my own four-page book about what I liked to do for each season of the year. Read more>>

Sofi Sauce

Finding my purpose has been no easy feat. I knew I had a passion for physical therapy for a long time, but being able to execute my idea of what a PT should conquer was not easy to find. I did all the right things, took the correct steps to get into PT school, made good grades, etc. While I was in PT school, I thought I found my passion in pediatrics, but little did I know then. I finished PT school, continued with the correct protocol of taking boards, passing boards, and working full time. Easy. But I needed more. Read more>>

Kelly Powers

I would say my purpose was born through overcoming adversity and personal challenges in my life. As a survivor of complex trauma, I learned to take personal responsibility for my own healing and growth. I began my career as a registered nurse working in Medical/Surgical and Pediatrics, then quickly found myself specializing in Psychiatry. I had struggled with Panic Disorder related to Post Traumatic Response directly after I graduated from college.  Read more>>

Diana Frick

As a first-generation immigrant from Peru, I witnessed my parents’ relentless work ethic as my dad provided for our family, while my mom dedicated herself to being a stay-at-home mom for me and my three sisters. We lived a frugal life, which taught me valuable lessons about saving, budgeting, and the importance of financial security. Additionally, as the oldest daughter, I helped my parents navigate the US financial system. I learned so much about money from this experience. I applied so much of this knowledge and skills to my own personal finances once I started making my own money and this led me to financial independence at an early age. Read more>>

Ray Wong

My creative purpose has been slowly cultivated since I was very young, around the age of 5. I was learning to mimic on paper the things/objects I was interested in. At that time I was given a lot of dinosaur and animal books so that was the very beginning of what gave me purpose. As I got a little older and honed in more on my creative expression, I realized that the skills used to mimic could be used as a base for the images from my imagination. A lot of the previous studies of dinosaurs and animals now became an outlet for dragons, fantastical creatures of the deep and other mythological beings. This was during the early 80s era so all the cartoons and creature flicks I consumed were also finding it’s way into my imaginings. I was often asked by peers and friends to work on art projects such as posters, book covers or just draw something on paper for them. Read more>>

Bryanna Keiser

For me, finding my purpose, was something that took a lot of reflection along with trial and error. I originally chose nursing as my career path. During school, I fell in love with mental health. I was intrigued by the mind and all of its hidden facets, and I related heavily to the material. Growing up I struggled with my mental health, and I wanted to be a part of helping people feel accepted, finding avenues to actually help and not put a band-aid over what was going on. Read more>>

Emily Reeves

Saying I ‘found my purpose’ feels funny, because to me, purpose doesn’t have a finish line—it’s always evolving! Right now, I’m in a season where I am energized by the idea of having purposeful work. I feel energized when my work aligns with my values, and my journey to becoming a documentarian was very much a part of that. Read more>>

Phillip Whitaker

I believe that finding purpose as a chef can be a deeply fulfilling journey. I found that being raised by a family that cooked meals together often was a huge inspiration when it comes to purpose. Whether it’s family traditions, cultural heritage, or a love for creativity, these connections guided my culinary path. Read more>>

Lyric` B

To be quite frank with you, I’ve always had a knowing of what my purpose was in this world or my calling rather. Many of us have a burning desire or dream on the inside crying out. A feeling you can’t shake, a dream you can’t unsee clear as day inside. Most people do 1 or 2 things with said passion. They either answer the call and pursue, or they ignore the voice and move on, continuously dreaming. For me that was never an option. At an early age I told my siblings,” I refuse to spend the rest of my life working a regular 9 to 5 to pay bills and live until I die.” Read more>>

Karryl Durr

Growing up, I was inspired to find my purpose by observing my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles work hard in their careers, show love and compassion to family, friends, and strangers, face challenges in their lives and overcome them, and their relationship with God. Read more>>

Holly Swenson

Finding my calling in life, or my “purpose,” began with first cultivating a deepened state of self-awareness, partnering with reflection, and ultimately walking the path of motherhood. These three practices were undeniably the foundation. I have sustained my purpose by leaning on gratitude, being disciplined in my work and writing, continuing to show up- even on days it feels hard, practicing daily self-care, and by frequently checking in with myself to make sure I am staying in alignment with my mission of being of service to others and advocating for wellness and conscious parenting. Read more>>

Jennifer Moreau

When I started my entrepreneurial journey, I wasn’t just searching for financial success—I was looking for a way to align my work with my values. I wanted to build something that didn’t just make a profit but made a difference. My two companies, World For Good and EA Marketing Hub, are the manifestations of this desire, each reflecting different aspects of my purpose and vision for the future. Here’s how I found my purpose through them. Read more>>

Michelle Shocklee

Finding one’s purpose is, to me, a life-long quest. We wear so many different hats throughout the changing seasons of life. I’m a wife, mother, mother-in-law, daughter, sister, aunt, employee, and, yes, an author of historical fiction. Each of those titles comes with responsibility and purpose. As a Christian, I believe we’re created by God with specific plans and purposes. If we’re willing, he’ll open the doors and lead us on the paths that take us to the people and places where our gifts and skills will be best used.  Read more>>

Niko And Becca Bendaj

Our love of bagels and creating food that brings people together plays a big role in where we are today and how we found our purpose. Food, something as simple yet comforting as a bagel, can foster connections in a community. Bagels, in particular, have a special place in our heart as it brought us closer together when we were dating. We saw a gap in food options in the Charlotte Park area and knew that this was the right place to build out our plans. We wanted to build something from the ground up, create jobs, and to contribute to our local area which helped shape our purpose. We have plans for expansion, continuing to connect with people through food and fostering a welcoming community in the process. Read more>>

Corinna Ramirez

I found my purpose through lots of trial and error, for years I found myself stuck in a cycle of unfulfilling, dead-end jobs where no matter how hard I worked, I never seemed to get ahead. I felt lost, uncertain of what the future held, and frustrated that I wasn’t living up to my potential. The turning point came when I discovered the skill of remote closing. It wasn’t just a job; it was the key that unlocked the door to something I’d been searching for: control over my time and income, and the freedom to live life on my own terms. Read more>>

Jon Shields

This seems like a cop-out, but I truly just took the path of least resistance for me. Guitar (and music for that matter) has always come naturally and made sense to me. Not to say it was easy. It definitely was not, and is not, easy. I can remember long practice sessions specifically at University. Now, practice sessions can be as challenging as I want them to be, which may be another reason I enjoy guitar. It’s always up to give me a good challenge, but I digress. Read more>>

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