Boosting Productivity Through Self-Care

When you have a never-ending to-do list it can feel irresponsible to engage in self-care, but in our many conversations with some of the most productive business owners and creatives we’ve found that self-care is one of the most effective ways to boost productivity.

Lauren Lopriore

Self care wasn’t something that came up in conversations with parents, friends or doctors. Then one day I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I started hearing the words everywhere. Why didn’t I know about self care? It took my health to get flipped upside down to learn about self care. Little by little I learned that self care included walking, eating well, getting a good night sleep, communicating and not avoiding situations. Was I taking care of myself? I decided in college to start eating organic. It wasn’t easy with the cost and accessibility, but if eggs and milk were available in organic I purchased these items and any additional goods I could. Read more>>

Valerie Akinwande

My self care routine has shifted through different stages of parenting/life as I find ways to make time depending on what my family’s needs are. When my kids were babies, I would get up very early and go for runs. This was a much needed boost as I was suffering with low iron. My morning runs were a lifeline that gave me the energy to survive a day with 3 kids under the age of 3. When my kids became toddlers, my self-care transitioned to prioritizing sleep since my kids were sleeping longer stretches at night. During this time, I would also care for myself and children by spending many hours outdoors playing in the sun.  Read more>>

Kat Harrison

I personally believe self-care is the most important part of being alive. Most of us (especially women) fall into the trap of believing everyone else comes before ourselves. I’m not sure where this belief came from or how it invaded our species so dominantly, but it is a plague that can wreck our lives if we let it. I have spent the better part of my life people-pleasing and putting on a happy face for the sake of making others feel wanted or comfortable. I would go out of my way to make sure everyone in my life was happy more times than I can count.  Read more>>

Ksenia Arapova

I am incorporating ceremonial cacao drink into my self care. Making cacao with intention, taking a moment to focus on what comes forward for me, breathing in incredible rich aroma of fresh cacao, taking a mindful moment of being with myself, my goals, my emotions, sipping my cacao while processing, clearing my mind and allowing cacao to take care of me. This small ritual takes just a little bit of time and yet really supports my creativity, my confidence, my ability to connect with people and open up. Read more>>

Nanxy Wang

As a spiritual person, one of the most impactful practices I’ve incorporated into my life is daily affirmations. I have a list of affirmations displayed on my wall, and it’s the first thing I see when I wake up. Reading them aloud each morning boosts my energy and confidence, setting a positive tone for the day. This simple practice helps me approach my work with a clear and productive mindset, greatly enhancing my effectiveness. Read more>>

Darrell Cole

I am very conscious of my health and well-being, and I believe they are the keys to success. At 57 years old, my day typically starts at 5 a.m. after a solid 7-8 hours of sleep, which works best for me. I wake up feeling energized and ready to take on the day. I start with some light exercise, walking my American Bullies for about a mile or two to get the blood flowing. After our walk, we eat and relax, and I mentally prepare for the day ahead. Read more>>

Onnie Michalsky

Years ago, I struggled to do anything for myself that didn’t directly benefit my family including self-care. With six children, I not only found it difficult to do any sort of self-care such as get a shower or do my hair, much less extreme self-care practices like yoga or therapy. My health declined as a result which affected all the areas of my life, including my relationships and my self-esteem. Yet, I discovered that before I was able to start taking care of myself, I needed to change the way I felt towards myself. It wasn’t working the other way around. I couldn’t wait until I was all taken care of to love myself. Read more>>

Amanda De La Madriz

I hate the word self-care honestly….it’s so overused. I prefer to use the term self-connection in my practice because it encompasses so much more! At the end of the day, taking care of yourself is really about connecting with your needs and meeting them—whatever they may be and whatever is possible for you in that moment. It’s all about intention. Don’t have 3 hours a day every week to go to the gym? That’s fine. Take 5 minutes and sit outside…and believe that’s still worth it. Read more>>

Jill Ricker

When I was in middle school, I would come home and make a pot of white rice. I would load butter and salt on it and usually eat the whole batch. I think that was the beginning of my love affair with sugar. I think back and I can see that with any amount of sugar there was a switch that turned on inside of me and didn’t want to turn off. Anyone who has been addicted to something can relate. You don’t stop thinking about it. One bite was never enough…and yet, that bite was too much all at the same time. It was so confusing because who would have thought food could hook you? I mean, it’s only food…you have to eat, right? Read more>>

Alyssa Probert

Self-care is a critical component of maintaining my effectiveness, both personally and professionally. For me, it starts with creating a healthy work-life balance. By setting clear boundaries between work and personal time, I ensure I have space to recharge and stay grounded. Surrounding myself with people who contribute positively to my life is another key aspect; these relationships not only bring joy but also provide a sounding board when I’m struggling, offering fresh perspectives and emotional support. Read more>>

Matthew “levi” Burdine

I didn’t always take care of myself. Being a ‘workaholic’ was a great source of pride. Consistently rising in an IT career drove me. My first position out of college eventually had me living next door to my employer and working over one-hundred hours a week. Change in leadership and company goals eventually drove me to approaching burnout. About fifteen years ago, I sought other employment. I went to a much larger company that was properly organized and staffed, and this provided me with proper working hours. Read more>>

Jasmine Neely

For me, working out is the best self-care hack. I love to lift weights because it makes me feel strong, it makes me feel accomplished and it is a reminder that I can do hard things. I don’t always feel “in the mood” to lift heavy weights, but when I do, I often feel so proud that I could give my body the love that it deserves. However, with working out, also comes rest, so it’s important to take a day or a few days off. That’s where the magic happens because you can come back even stronger. Read more>>

Marcus T. Evans

For self-care, I focus on activities that nourish my mind, body, and spirit. This includes spending time in prayer and reflection, photography as a creative outlet, and maintaining a balance between work, ministry, and personal time. Read more>>

Kelyn Henry

As an esthetician and skincare expert, self-care is not just a routine; it’s a vital part of my daily life. I start each day with a skincare regimen that includes my Oxygen Cleanser, which deeply cleanses and rejuvenates my skin, followed by the Ginseng Mineral Toner to balance and prep my skin for the day. I also use Rapid 7 to target any hyperpigmentation and maintain a glowing complexion, finishing with my Herbal Silk Moisturizer to lock in hydration. Read more>>

Amy Pagano

My Bold Journey Interview –Alex Hernandez
Prompt—What do you do for self-care and what impact has it had on your effectiveness?
Self-care is defined as “the practice of doing things to improve and maintain ones physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health.”
Pivotal Events that transpired in both my Personal and Professional Life:
• Experienced lots of trauma, death, and narcissism as a young child. Read more>>

Sabrina Anderson

Self-care is one of the most important priorities I have embraced in my life. As I shifted into middle age, I realized that I often put others’ needs above my own, which led to a lot of anxiety and burnout. Once I completed graduate school and became a school counselor, it became even more evident to me that I was not practicing what I preached. I would often tell my students how to implement self-care, but I wasn’t doing it myself. Read more>>

Gabby Abascal

Being in the field of self-care, it is so important to me to practice what I preach. It is important that I take care of myself physically, mentally, and spiritually. It helps me show up fully for others in my personal and work life. Making time to take care of me helps prevent burnout and stress, maintains a healthy work-life balance, and helps me refocus. Read more>>

Hsiu Lin

Usually when I need a break from everything, I like to turn of my working brain and just indulge in things I would find “unproductive”. Growing up in a very go-go-go environment, I subconsciously labeled enjoyment and relaxing moments as “idle”. My self-care package generally includes binge-watching shows and games, taking a long walk in nature, dressing up, and having a little “date” with myself. Other things I like to do also include karaoke – where I can belt out all of my negative thoughts and feelings, journaling, and organizing my room. Read more>>

Makeda Smith

My self care journey starts when I wake up in the morning – I immediately say a silent prayer of gratitude. Then, after I check my emails and social media, I spend between 30 minutes to an hour exercising and meditating before launching fully into my day. My exercise routine consist of jumping on my mini tramp (trampoline/ rebounder), deep stretch yoga, and some form of inverting (hanging upside down) either in my aerial hammock or on my FeetUp yoga chair. Read more>>

Paul Bailey

I use BlackGold Works from head to toe. From my scalp to my feet. I also do mindful breathing (intentional deep breaths) almost how you do a workout slow. I use the natural skin screen which is also a natural sun protection. The hair butter for my hair and beard(look good feel good). The natural soaps so it doesn’t dry my skin out. Looking good and feeling good has directly contributed to the success I have. People look at you before they listen to you. Read more>>

Geta Barbu

Self care is not what’s headlined in the media or social media. It isn’t spa days, it isn’t the latest 12 step face wash routine. Self care is keeping your promise to yourself. The more you do that, the more confidence, precision, and Self advocacy you have for yourself. One of my promises I make to my self is my eating breakfast before having coffee. I know, so random. But maybe not…. Read more>>

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