How do you keep your creativity alive?

Keeping your creativity alive has always been a challenge, but in the era of work from home, where the lines between work life and home life have blurred and where burnout and social disconnection are rising, creativity is at risk. We’ve asked some of the most creative folks we know for advice on how to keep one’s creativity alive.

Jin Qin

I keep my creativity alive by staying connected to nature and constantly seeking new experiences. For me, creativity isn’t something that happens in isolation—it’s sparked by the world around me, especially during my outdoor adventures. I find that stepping away from the studio and into nature gives me a fresh perspective. Whether it’s the sound of wind rustling through the trees or the rhythm of my footsteps on a trail, nature has a way of inspiring new ideas. Read more>>

Joan Hui Ko

I keep my creativity thriving by staying open to inspiration from various sources. One of the most rewarding ways I do this is by engaging with students, as their fresh perspectives and enthusiasm often reignites my own passion for creating. Additionally, surrounding myself with artists who work in different mediums exposes me to new ideas and techniques, typically sparking innovative collaborations that push my artistic boundaries. Participating in creative drawing exercises and learning challenging new skills, such as 3D modeling, has helped maintain my creative momentum by providing opportunities for growth and experimentation. Read more>>


Keeping my creativity alive is all about embracing my energy and mood shifts. I get inspiration from everywhere—fashion, music, random moments, and even my own experiences. But when things feel stagnant, I switch it up. I might take a break, dive into something completely new, or even let my alter ego take over. I allow myself to evolve, stay open to different vibes, and always lean into that femme fatale energy. It’s all about staying true to myself and letting the ideas flow naturally. Read more>>

Thias Fritz

Keeping my creativity alive is all about staying connected to what’s happening in the world around me. In digital marketing and design, things change fast, and as the founder of Disruptive Digital Services, I’m always on the lookout for what’s next. I don’t just follow trends—I try to set them. Whether it’s a new way to reach people online or a fresh approach to branding, I’m all about finding creative, innovative solutions that make a real impact. It’s not just about being different for the sake of it; it’s about delivering value that stands out and gets results. That’s what keeps me inspired and keeps my clients winning. Read more>>

Salahuddin Al Raisi

Keeping creativity alive is an ongoing task for me. In the back of my mind, I’m always looking for inspiration for my next project. I feel all the things I do are interconnected somehow down the line. Dancing, making music and designing are all tools I learned to stay creatively active. I use these tools without promising myself a reward, but as a way to work through my inner complexities. My intention is to have a meaningful conversation with the audience. Communicate what I feel through a piece of art.  Read more>>

Renae “naenaevizion” Baca

In the heart of the storm, where the thunder speaks
And the sky splits open with jagged streaks,
I cradle a fire, small yet fierce,
A flicker of warmth that the cold cannot pierce. Negativity whispers, dark and sly,
It tries to smother the light, to dim the sky,
But this flame, my flame, it refuses to bow,
It’s fed by dreams that will not allow.  Read more>>

Robyn Holl

Keeping my creativity alive is a multi-faceted endeavor–I don’t have one single solution, but instead leverage a variety of practices that I apply at different times, including: Applying discipline
Taking risks, letting go of fear, and being vulnerable
Listening to my instincts and dreams and watching for signs
Leveraging resources and learning
Surrounding myself with art and inspiration Keeping my creativity alive takes work. I think it aligns with having a strong work ethic and dedication. Personal growth and effective decision-making affect inspiration and creativity in a type of constructive way that pops up without realizing it. Having structure and boundaries often allow for the space and breath of air needed for art to flourish. Read more>>

Xena Zhang

As an architectural designer, I see myself as a director of spatial experiences, blending creativity with a deep understanding of spatial design and storytelling. My background in architecture and interior design has cultivated a passion for what I term “spatial magic”—the spontaneous and transformative interactions between people and their environments. This creative mindset drives me to generate innovative ideas that resonate with the needs of my audience, whether I’m working on personal projects or collaborating with a team. Read more>>

Wei-lun Ting

To keep my creativity alive, I’ve made it a habit to embrace curiosity and constantly seek out new perspectives. One of the ways I nurture this skill is by immersing myself in a variety of artistic endeavors, whether through digital painting, game art, or fine art motion graphics. While working on the Nintendo Switch project Aliisha: The Oblivion of Twin Goddesses, where I led the concept design, this diversity of inspiration was incredibly important. Read more>>


I try to find inspiration for the art I make in everything I do, which helps me strive to constantly assess my view of the world. I look at every verse, hook and song I write as a way to express the ideas I have, or reflect on the things I see and experience. I also enjoy the entire process, from finding a beat to releasing the product and the fact that I do it all for myself means I can choose which avenue to be creative in. I don’t have to write, I can mix a song or listen to beats. If that isn’t the wave, I can record or just listen to music until I hear a bar that makes me think. The overall variety of ways to harness creative energy makes it easy to stay creative for me. Read more>>

Calli Loskill

I find creativity to be like nature, it’s something that grows and can be tended to. Life experiences are the dirt, sunshine and rain fueling the growth of inspiration. I feel inspiration is found in meaningful connections made from experiencing life with the intent to express or solve. I keep creativity alive by finding new ways, sometimes challenging myself to find every way I can, to use the inspiration like finding multiple uses for an herb in the garden. I find understanding the limitations of the medium, materials or project’s purpose is key to truly strengthening creative skills. Read more>>

Bruna Cabral

As a creative producer, I keep my creativity alive by immersing myself in different forms of storytelling. I read books and watch movies and TV shows from different genres, cultures, countries, and eras to learn from their techniques. I like listening to people’s stories and always take notes when something sparks my interest. I follow artists and other sources of inspiration on social media to stay connected with new ideas, trends, and creative movements. Additionally, I keep up with current events and read the news, as it helps me stay informed and find real-world inspiration for my work. Constantly feeding my curiosity ensures my creativity remains fresh and evolving. Read more>>

Tyler Hughley

I keep my creativity alive by pulling inspiration from others. I’m a DJ and music producer and so I like to find ways to collaborate with people as often as possible. Especially other DJ”s, I find it quite intriguing how our brains process music differently. Like where we can take the same song and mix it with another song neither one of us was thinking. That’s why I love doing a back to back set with some of my DJ friends because we bounce off of each others creative energy. I also like to watch other DJ”s sets especially if I’m in a creative funk it really inspires me and helps me get out of my own head. Read more>>

Kexin Chen

As a graphic designer, I find this field to be dynamic and exciting. To keep my mind sharp, I use an inspiration journal. I rely on simple, quick methods to capture ideas. For instance, I might sketch interesting shapes with markers or snap photos of unique color combinations with my phone. Sometimes, I make collages and experiment with digital color tweaks. This approach allows me to go beyond sketches and record the visual impact and inspiration from different materials. Read more>>

Cassie Hanson

Working as a caseworker for formerly-incarcerated women, and also as an advocate for prison abolition, much of my time is spent brainstorming solutions to problems big and small. These range from solving interpersonal conflict between housemates to conceptualizing accountability measures outside of the realm of incarceration. Our societal paradigm of creativity is often focused on the individual, and measured by a person’s “creation” of some sort of product. Read more>>

Emmalee Babcock

I take immense joy in getting to see the way other photographers and creatives work- whether they’re in the wedding industry or outside of it. Working alongside many vendors and new photographers this year has shown me new ways I can operate or create new paths for myself inspired by them. I adore teaming up with local vendors to put on fun styled shoots, as well as associating with or second shooting for photographers based in and out of my area to lean on each other and help brainstorm new ways we can be creative and fresh for our clients. I love seeing splashes of light and swaths of many colors in new ways every day. Read more>>

Chloe Compton

To keep my creativity alive, I immerse myself in the natural environments that inspire my work and seek new ways to document and interact with these spaces. Regular walks and hikes allow me to collect fragments and observe the subtle changes in the landscape, which fuels my creative process. My artistic practice revolves around finding ways to explore the connection between memory and landscapes, so I find that staying engaged with the environment is essential. Read more>>

Steve Au

There’s a bit of irony in the business I’m in with Scribble Art. While we’re a tech company at heart, everything we do is driven by a mission to encourage and preserve creativity in our youth. In a world increasingly dominated by screens and digital content, creativity isn’t just something reserved for the arts—it’s something we’re all born with. And when given the space, it can touch multiple aspects of your life—often in unexpected and meaningful ways. Read more>>

Kalyani Vaddepalli

Keeping my creativity alive involves several key practices. Since I was young, I’ve been immersed in a creative environment, inspired by my mom’s DIY and artistic projects. For me, creating is a form of therapy, and it’s exciting to be in a field where I can continuously learn and evolve.
I stay inspired by watching YouTube videos and Instagram reels about current trends, which help me stay updated and motivated. Additionally, I find great inspiration from fellow creators—seeing new ideas often sparks my own creativity. I also make it a point to explore different mediums and techniques to keep things fresh and exciting. Read more>>

Madeline Arenas

Immerse yourself in a variety of visual arts, study the Master of Photography through award winning photographers, and constantly experiment with new techniques. Pay attention to the feedback you receive on your image critiques but don’t let it stifle your creativity. Instead, use it to refine your vision. , Attend live judging photo competitions, you will learn so much from someone’s mistakes. Read more>>

Amelia Audish

Being a part of local art organizations in my community, teaching art, and attending art fairs and museums are all some of the ways that help me keep creativity alive. There are several local artist groups in my area which I find are incredibly important and helpful both mentally and artistically. When I’m with other artists and creatives, I’m reminded of the creative spirit that unites us, the struggles and triumphs that specifically artists experience, and I love celebrating with my artist friends when they succeed.  Read more>>

Molly Lyons

How do I keep my creativity alive? In some seasons and even some years, it’s hard. I have learned over time that what fuels my creativity is MORE art. I was fortunate for a time to have taught for NYU in PARIS! One of my dearest friends and an artistic brother got me the gig and we spent several glorious summers teaching acting to high school students. Part of our job included accompanying them to plays, concerts, museums, palaces, etc. We developed exercises based on our excursions. Read more>>

Brandon Tanczak

When it comes to trying to keep creativity well and alive, I usually reflect. If I am feeling stagnant or having a hard time coming up with some form of idea I will do two things:

1. I look back at the things that influenced me over the years to remind me why I do what I do or maybe look back at something that I created and remember what made that project worth persuing

2. I will step completely out of my comfort zone and tackle something 100% out of wheelhouse and see if it lands for me to try and do my take on the subject. Read more>>

Christopher Wong

I think creativity is a frequently misunderstood thing. There’s often those fanciful images of creativity, like a stroke of inspiration suddenly hitting an artist, and although those moments can certainly happen, the act of being creative, the technique in creativity, comes with hard work and just trying to do it every day. Read more>>

Savanna Beaulac

In the world of titles, the best title I’ve found to fit my current self is a creative. It’s a word that leaves interpretational imprints and has deeply made me feel connected to what I could and am capable of. Now, with that being said, being a creative isn’t necessarily an “easy” or no-name descriptor. It comes with creative blocks, it comes with unwanted yet expected judgements, it comes with joy, and it can come by nature. In keeping my creativity alive, my biggest mind exploration this far is boredom. Boredom sounds so… boring. Read more>>

Cecily Baring-gould

I’ve discovered a big thing for me is prioritising open time spent alone with my imagination. Whether it’s to work on material or just to play about, explore, and ‘be.’ If I don’t prioritise that time, life can just feel like a non-stop reaction to everything that’s happening around me and it’s far less conducive to creative productivity. Read more>>


As a music artist, creativity is the heartbeat of my musicianship, my brand, and my inspiration. It’s an innate force that doesn’t simply fade away, though we all encounter creative blocks where ideas and words seem elusive. The key to overcoming these blocks is to embrace your emotions and draw from your own life experiences. Writing, composing melodies, and singing about what you genuinely feel bring authenticity to your work. Read more>>

Thomas Parrish

I’ve always felt the most creativity flow in my life when I’m around people that also strive to be creative. It isn’t always something obvious, but it most of the time is a subconscious thing where I just notice a high in creativity. When I’m feeling a lack of inspiration or something else, it always helps to combine minds of people in my creative circles. This would be my advice to anyone looking to stay as productive but free as possible. Find people with the same goals (who are most of the time better than you at achieving those goals) and you’ll see the improvement. Read more>>

Brittany Braunling

In my line of work creativity is key to being successful. Not only do you have to be good at what you are doing, but you have to be creative and think outside the box. Being creative keeps people interested and keeps customers guessing and awaiting what is next. I love to do research on what is trending and what is becoming popular within the food scene. After researching, the key to success is recipe development. Recipe development is my favorite part of the job. I love to think of creative ways to incorporate flavors together and create flavor combinations that most people wouldn’t imagine being included within a bread business. Read more>>

Emily Everett

I think like most creatives, creativity ebbs and flows. For me, shooting self portraits and getting outside in nature always help inspire new ideas within me. Taking the time to notice the way the light hits the leaves, how shadows are cast upon the ground, and the sounds and feelings I get from being outside always help inspire me and light that creative fire. Read more>>

Choni Ribeiro

Creativity thrives when we’re in motion, so I make it a point to keep creating regularly. Even if inspiration doesn’t strike immediately, the act of creating builds momentum and keeps me ready for when that spark does appear. It’s not just about waiting for inspiration to strike, but about consistently moving forward – because only through continuous effort can I grow and reach new creative heights. Read more>>

Wei-fang Chang

To me, being an “artist” is just one of many labels I wear. Whether as a video designer, creative technologist, or multimedia artist, I find joy in how new media arts guide me through various spaces—from my mind to others’ bodies, from physical environments to the broader world. My creativity thrives when I observe how audiences interact with, interpret, and embody the work. There’s immense satisfaction in witnessing the dynamic flow of media as it takes shape and influences the real world. Read more>>

Michael Isaak

One of the most profound ways I keep my creativity alive is by deeply exploring my Egyptian heritage. Recently, I’ve been immersing myself much more in classical Egyptian music, which I’ve admired since I was a kid but never examined too closely. This journey is not just about appreciation but understanding how these elements can weave into my own music. To complement this, I’ve started taking Arabic classes to improve my command of the language. Read more>>

Lana Medicine

Keeping my creativity alive is to always transmute traumatic experiences into art. No matter what that may look like. Sometimes it may be a song full of rage other times it can be a freestyle on an open beat. My creativity comes in many different forms outside of music, I love to also express myself through poetry, dancing and crafting. Read more>>

Xinyu Liu

One of the most essential aspects of maintaining creativity, in my view, is honoring my emotions and approaching them with curiosity. Since arriving in the U.S., I have often felt a sense of unease and anxiety, yet I manage to keep my life meticulously organized, creating an illusion of adapting to my new environment. When I confided these feelings to my parents, they reassured me that it was entirely normal. For a brief moment, I found comfort in their words, but I quickly realized that I needed to explore the root of these emotions. Read more>>

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